Souvenir Journal Advertisement
The Commemorative Souvenir Journal will be the official program and advertisement for our 50th. Anniversary. This is the perfect opportunity to promote your chapter event, company, or service. hundreds of men and women will see your advertisement. Space will go quickly. If you need assistance creating your ad please contact sps50@swingphiswing.org
Updated August 2018
Dimensions: Full page 7.25" W x 10" H Half page 7.25" W x 5" H Quarter page 3.5" W x 5" H
File upload takes place after payment is made.
General Information
Image Resolution: 300 dpi
File and/or Image resolution should be set at 300 dpi to ensure that the final document is not pixelated (fuzzy) when printed.
Enlarging an image will lower the resolution while reducing an image will increase the resolution. Enlarging an image in a layout is NOT recommended. Images that are less than 300 dpi could reproduce poorly looking fuzzy or pixelated.
Images from the internet are not recommended, as most images are only 72 dpi.
An unfavorable image cannot be resaved as a different type of file. For example, you cannot place a gif file in Photoshop and resave it as an EPS file. This does not change the compatibility of the file. If you have to use low-resolution images we will print only after you consent to the quality.
Color: CMKY
CMKY (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black) is a color system called Full Color Printing. Most commercial printers use this process. RBG (red, green, and blue) is the color process that your computer monitor uses to display color. It is important to convert your file to the CMYK color process before printing as it may cause a color shift during the transition and give you unexpected results. All files submitted that are not CMYK, will be converted over before printing.
Publisher’s copy protective clause: Advertisers and their agencies assume liability for all content of advertisements printed and assume responsibility for any claims which may arise from advertising. The publisher/Swing Phi Swing Social Fellowship Inc. ® reserves the right to reject any advertising. The publisher/Swing Phi Swing Social Fellowship Inc,® is not liable for errors in key numbers or Advertisers’ Index.