Good Health Wins
The Saving Ourselves Committee is kicking off our 2024 GHWins mini-grant application process.
Saving Ourselves Mini-Grant FAQ
Sheet Swing Phi Swing Social Fellowship Inc.® joined the Good Health Wins Immunization Network (GHWINs), whose goal of reducing social determinants to health equity, closely aligns with the mission and national initiatives of our beloved organization. Through this collaboration, Swing and countless community leaders will work to increase confidence in vaccines as a health benefit, dispelling myths, and improving access among people of color.
The National Office created the Saving Ourselves (SOS) campaign to drive our national health initiative because we understand that any effort to improve health access and frequency will directly save our communities and ultimately save ourselves. This year, we are proud to offer region and chapter level mini grants to fund innovative community-based activities around vaccine education and outreach.
Grant Award
The Summer 2024 Saving Ourselves GHWins Mini Grant awards will range from $500 - $750. There will be (2) grant periods in 2024: July – September and October - December.
Eligibility Requirements
Applicants must submit a complete application, sign a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), document mini-grant related service project(s) via the national community outreach log, participate in mandatory GHWins Community of Practice (CoP) events, and complete a Final report documenting how the project(s) will impact the broader community (i.e., # vaccinations, # tests administered, # educational materials provided, target population demographics, community partnerships, etc.).
Are all SWING regions and chapters eligible?
Yes, all regions and chapters in good standing with the National Office are eligible to apply.
What is “in good standing”?
In good standing means, that any region or chapters applying for the mini grant must comply with all national requirements, must not have any open financial arrears, and must not have any judiciary infractions.
Can we apply for the SOS mini grants more than once?
Yes, Regions/chapters can apply for funding up to two (2) times a year during the GHWins fiscal year. Applicants are encouraged to apply for both grant periods.
How are mini-grant funds awarded?
Funds will be awarded to regions and chapters after completing the proposed project(s) and all mandatory grant activities and trainings. The National Treasurer will only issue mini-grant funding to regions and chapters with an active Swing bank account that is associated with the national TIN #.
What is the time frame to complete a grant project?
All mini grant projects must be completed within the grant period (July - September 2024)
Summer 2024 Grant Period Opens July 1, 2024
Application & MOAs Deadline July 28, 2024
Awardee Notification August 3, 2024
Mini-grant project execution August 3 – September 29, 2024 Final Reports due September 30, 2024
Project Review & Funds Release October 12, 2024
What if we don’t spend all the funds or cannot complete the project on time?
Swing wants you to create strong service events, do not be afraid to invest in projects that will benefit the broader community.
The National Office will only fund up to the approved amount evidenced in your project reporting
All mini-grant projects must be completed during the grant period, no extensions
Regions/Chapters that do not complete the grant requirements will forfeit any expectation of funding
Can mini-grant funds be used for recruitment/capacity building?
Funds are strictly limited to health equity project(s) dedicated to increasing vaccine awareness and adoption. Promoting our service campaign will naturally create interest in the organization. However, funds cannot be used directly to improve the member base of the applicant region or chapter (i.e., recruiting, expressos, fundraising).
Can mini-grant funds be spent on food or incentives?
Yes, however, this should be no more than 20% of the total grant allocation and must be health oriented. Any expense over 20% will not be considered for reimbursement.
What activities cannot be funded by this mini grant?
Mini grant funds cannot be used for general operating costs; administrative costs; transportation; salaries; individual compensation; room reservations; capital campaigns including brick and mortar establishments, scholarships, etc.; fundraising events including the purchase of tickets or tables, membership drives, raffles, or auctions; political or religious activities that conflict with IRS 501(c) tax classification of Swing Phi Swing Social Fellowship Inc. ®; books or equipment unrelated to the program or intended for use outside the project.
How can you apply?
REGISTER HERE for our National Convention Mini-Grant Webinar on Saturday July 20th 8:30 am EST.
Additional Questions? Contact the GHWins Project Manager Sis. Lori Gittens at